Monday, February 25, 2008


Well i almost have my dad convinced to let me get my tattoo this spring break it is going to be of an angle with its wings curled around her kinda i really cant wait ( and then eventually i am going to get " only god can judge me" and a cross under ( so it looks like the angle sitting on it ( i really really cant wait till i cant get it all it is going to be a 3 hour job and cost around 400 450$$ so i really cant wait :)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Spring Break

Well Spring break is comen on its way pretty dam fast ( so it feels) and i am SO FRICKEN EXCITED i really can hardly wait. This spring break we get 2 weeks off its gonna be so dam fun i am either going to Vancouver to see my brother and Jenn(his g/f), go to Kelowna with some friends for a couple nights OOORRR if i can talk my mom into it I'm gonna try and get my tattoo on spring break AAHHH that would be better then van/Kelowna put together. well i will write about spring break again and what happended AFTER it happens.

Weekend (feb 22)

This weekend I am going to Kamloops to get my Grad pictures. I hope that they turn out right since i never even though i was never going to make it, ACTUALLY i wasn't gonna make it on time when i was living in Williams Lake. I really cant wait to graduate since i can finaly leave this lil tiny town AAHHH i havent lived here that long and I am already insane i swear HAHA.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


OK.... well this weekend was sssooooooo hectic like OMFG haha friday went to kamloops and orderd my tux for grad(hopefuly i make it) and went to the doctors and got some X-Rays and then went to D.N.A. tattoos and got my tatttoo looked at and im going in to get it june 28 ( my b-day ) or sooner and i cant wait and then i was talken to famly about it and its gonna end up as a FULL back peice artwork i am going to add a full back peice cross so the angle will be sitting on it. Got home and my anty cindy was here and it was her 50th b-day party and maddy and angie came over too adn then saturday evryone ended up here and it was so so so so much fun ( messed up my hand again GTing OPS and there was alot of ppl here and it was jsut so fun. i really want wait to do that again.

:) :) :) YAY

YAY i am sooo in love with lukas... my cuzins like couple month old baby. He is the Cutest dam baby i have seen he is jsut so god dam funny. my famly was here this weeknd and its prety much first time i really kinda got to see him and yay i cant wait till next time hes aswem:).